Welcome to

ice cream and waffles

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This is a podcast.

You are probably wondering if this is a podcast about ​food? Or about ice cream and waffles? Or is this a ​podcast about chefs?

Well, this podcast is about human stories, a collection ​sprinkled with universal themes of overcoming failure, ​pain and loss.

You will be hosted by two (02) friends, Kyrmyzy ​(Kazakhstani) and PingPing (Singaporean), who are ​both foodies, who both love ice cream and waffles, but ​only one of us is a chef. Can you guess who that is?

Image above left to right: PingPing, Kyrmyzy

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In this

podcast series

Every founder, corporate ​executive, human, has a unique ​story to tell.

Learn about their stories of failure, pain ​and loss; and more importantly, how ​they overcame it, to discover a renewed ​sense of purpose in their life.

Two Bare Trees


Shedding Trees


Close-Up Photography of Tree Branches


ice cream and waffles audiences

For listeners who are passionate about


Inspiration Motivation quote for Woman Be You. Self Love, Self Acceptance Concept

For listeners who are curious about

Global cultures

Group of friends from different cultures and ethnicities enjoying

For listeners who actively build

Harmonious relationships

mineral tranquility with balancing pebbles

inspired by

"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."

Invictus, by William Ernest Henley

ice cream and waffles

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Keen to share your story of how you overcame failure, ​pain or loss to a wider audience? We invite you to be a ​guest on our show. Contact us here!

Welcome to

ice cream and waffles